Liquid Venture
Investing in innovation, traditionally, is done through venture vehicles which provide direct investment in companies. The problem is, once placed, these investments are static and generally investors are forced to wait 5, 10, even 13 years for a transactional event to realize benefit.
Crypto assets change all of this. We seek to harness the best parts of innovation investing in blockchain technology, traditionally done by venture funds, with the best parts of a liquid vehicle. This allows the unique advantage of being able to always be in the best expression of a given theme at any given time, and provide the benefits of venture investment with the benefits of liquidity, something that before crypto assets was not easily done.
We refer to this as “Liquid Venture™.

We are in a new financial cycle, the Age of Autonomy™
12 hours
As of 2020, the rate knowledge doubles
10 years
Into a 50-year long wave economic cycle – opportunity abounds

The Tradecraft Fundamental Analysis
Proprietary dashboard that informs trading decisions
Independent metrics
1 minute
Up to the-minute informed decision-making

Investment Themes
Built around the Age of Autonomy™
The average number of assets in our portfolio
Core themes to guide investments